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1000s of properties from verified, vetted, approved, legitimate, genuine, trusted and experienced real estate agents only.


Blogs and podcats
The Real Estate Database (RED) website is not just a hub for property listings and market trends; it's also a treasure trove of valuable information for both aspiring and experienced real estate enthusiasts. One of its standout features is the collection of insightful and informative blogs and podcasts.
These digital resources cover a wide spectrum of topics within the real estate industry, ranging from expert advice on buying and selling properties to in-depth analyses of the latest market trends and investment strategies.
Whether you're a seasoned real estate professional looking to stay updated or a first-time homebuyer seeking guidance, the RED website's blogs and podcasts provide a wealth of knowledge to help you navigate the complex world of real estate with confidence. It's like having a team of industry experts at your fingertips, ready to empower you on your real estate journey.


REAL ESTATE BLOGS - If you need to learn about real estate in general or Uganda's real estate sector in particular, then our blogs are for you. We have a multitude of topics and opinions to share regarding the local real estate industry and we are committed to continual innovation to better support the needs of the real estate community, ensuring the integrity of information we publish, and championing the benefits of online access to such information.Our blogs serve as a hub where we amalgamate news, opinions, and ....

REAL ESTATE PODCASTS - In an era characterized by information overload and busy schedules, the way we consume content has evolved dramatically. Traditional reading habits have given way to more convenient and accessible forms of information consumption, such as audio podcasts. In many parts of the world, including Africa, people are discovering the joy of learning through their ears rather than their eyes. The Real Estate Database (RED) is taking note of this trend and is now offering valuable real estate-related ....

HOME - The Real Estate Database (RED) is a property search engine that returns results by querying from a network of several real estate websites which are linked together, The aim of the RED is to interlink all real estate websites so as to create the largest pool of properties in one place, the RED can also be referred to as a Multiple Listing Server (MLS) because it lists properties from a multiple real estate websites.When you search the RED you get results from several sources including: Agents, B ....

HOW TO USE THE RED - Welcome to the Real Estate Database (RED)! Our platform is designed to provide real estate professionals and enthusiasts with access to the latest data and insights on the industry. In this guide, we will walk you through how to use the RED to get the most out of its features and functionality. As with our other websites, the RED is open to all. We invite anyone with an interest in real estate to freely use, promote, share, and distribute the contents of the site as per our terms of serv ....

ABOUT THE RED - The Real Estate Database (RED) is the largest database of agents and properties in Uganda, it has 1000s of properties from; verified, approved, legitimate, vetted, genuine, trusted, and experienced real estate agents only. The RED is a property search engine that returns results by querying from a network of several real estate websites which are linked together. The aim of the RED is to interlink all real estate websites to create the largest pool of properties in one place. The RED can also b ....

RED SERVICES - If you're in the market for real estate services, look no further than The Real Estate Database (RED). Whether you're buying, selling, renting, or investing in property, the RED has you covered. With a wide range of services available either directly or through its partners, you can trust the RED to help you navigate the real estate landscape with ease. To learn more about the various services offered by the RED, simply click on any of the links below (under related pages). Each link will ....

RED MEMBERSHIP - Real Estate Database (RED) membership is currently offered to only real estate Agents and Realtors if you fall into that cartegory then use the registration form to register, Right Now! When you join the RED membership, you are partnering with the best provider of exceptional property search/marketing services, your website will be linked to the RED system such that all the properties displayed on your website will also be displayed on the RED + plus other partner portals. Your property specifi ....

STATE OF THE MARKET - The overall trends of the real estate market in Uganda usually tallies with the global trends, ie if the global market is growing then the Ugandan market is also growing, and the factors which affect real estate globally (eg the pandemic economy) also affect real estate in Uganda. However, the pricing trends for the different local markets within Uganda are different, and thats where the Real Estate Database (RED) cames in to provide you with local knowledge and stats regarding the different lo ....

REAL ESTATE RESOURCES - If you're considering buying or selling a home or property, having a robust real estate resource arsenal is essential. Knowing where to turn for information and guidance can help you make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. At Real Estate Database, we recognize the importance of having reliable and professional resources at your disposal. That's why we've compiled a list of some of the top real estate resources that you should know about. Whether you're a seasoned real estate in ....

CONTACT US - Mobile 1: +256705162000 Mobile 2: +256788162000 Email 1: info@RealEstateDatabase.net Email 2: julius@RealEstateDatabase.net Plot: 24, Block 240. Road: Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road Block: Bifro House Floor: 1st floor Premise: Office #8 Website: www.RealEstateDatabase.net


Villa for sale in Kyanja
Hot deal
5 bedroom Villa for sale in Kyanja Kampala
Location - Kyanja
District - Kampala
Type - Villa
Sizefive bedroom
Status - For Sale
Ugx 850,000,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Villa for rent in Muyenga
Hot deal
Executive 2 units office space for rent in muyenga. Each unit has 3 bedrooms and each unit is rented @ $1500 per month. And if you are taking both units, it is $2500 per month.
Location - Muyenga
District - Kampala
Type - Villa
Sizethree bedroom
Status - For Rent
$ 1,500
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Penthouse for rent in Garuga
Hot deal
2 bedrooms penthouse for rent
Location - Garuga
District - Wakiso
Type - Penthouse
Sizetwo bedroom
Status - For Rent
$ 150
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Villa for rent in Mbuya
Hot deal
4 bedroom Villa for rent in Mbuya Kampala
Location - Mbuya
District - Kampala
Type - Villa
Sizefour bedroom
Status - For Rent
$ 6,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Villa for sale in Kigo
Hot deal
4 bedroom Villa for sale in Kigo Wakiso
Location - Kigo
District - Wakiso
Type - Villa
Sizefour bedroom
Status - For Sale
$ 320,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Penthouse for sale in Bugoloobi
Hot deal
Under construction
Location - Bugoloobi
District - Kampala
Type - Penthouse
Sizefive bedroom
Status - For Sale
Ugx 950,000,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Villa for sale in Kyanja
Hot deal
6 bedroom Villa for sale in Kyanja Kampala
Location - Kyanja
District - Kampala
Type - Villa
Sizesix bedroom
Status - For Sale
Ugx 1,600,000,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Office Space for rent in Kigo
Hot deal
Location - Kigo
District - Kampala
Type - Office Space
Size0 Decimals
Status - For Rent
$ 1,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Apartment block for sale in Muyenga
On offer
Hot deal
2 blocks of 3 bedroom apartments for sale in Muyenga
Location - Muyenga
District - Kampala
Type - Apartment block
Sizethree bedroom
Status - For Sale
$ 1,000,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Apartment block for sale in Kisugu
Hot deal
3 bedroom Apartment block for sale in Kisugu Kampala
Location - Kisugu
District - Kampala
Type - Apartment block
Sizethree bedroom
Status - For Sale
$ 220,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Mob: +256705162000 / +256788162000

Street: Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road

Plot: 24, Bifro House, 1st floor office 8

Email: info@RealEstateDatabase.net

PLEASE NOTE: For property details, contact the agent or the number attached to each property, not the general info numbers above.


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Real Estate Database App
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